A Soul’s Home... Where the Heart Is
It’s said that home is where the heart is. But what happens when our body becomes overrun with toxicity to the point where we cannot sense or feel where our heart’s desire is? And, how do we know that this is affecting us negatively? What in fact does complex multiple toxic exposure really entail?
Oh These Hallowed Times Readings, Ritual, & Soul Retrieval (part 2)
Soul retrieval and inner child support. Reparenting readings, oracle, and ancestral healing.
Oh These Hallowed Times (Part 1)
Arvigo® Mayan Abdominal Therapy for these winds of change...
Ancestral Healing: A Path of Earth & Myth for Personal Healing. Part Two: The Four Gates Of Healing.
Ancestral Healing: A Path Of Earth & Myth For Personal Healing.
Ancestral Healing: A Path of Earth & Myth for Personal Healing. Part One.
Ancestral Healing: A Path of Earth & Myth for Personal Healing.
Grief. Not A Problem To Be Fixed.
Grief. Not a Problem to be Fixed.
Painful longing and grief are not problems to be fixed. It is a sacred union - secure attachment - that permeates the energy “field” of the heart when we lean into the ache and anguish of grief. We become harmonized. Grief harmonizes us, preparing us for the next steps, although it is not easy and has a life of its own. The rhythm and timing is unique for everyone.
Soul & The Nervous System: Craniosacral Biodynamics and the Renewing Energy of Great Nature.
Soul & The Nervous System: Craniosacral Biodynamics and the Renewing Energy of Great Nature.
Soul heals the world. Without it we cannot function with resilience and ease. Insane existence results. Listen to an aria and tell me this isn’t so. Or favorite piece of music that opens your heart and brain. Imagine a life without this experience. Seriously, how would we survive? There is sound research on neuroscience and its effects on us interpersonally.
I love what Michael Meade shares about this:
How Can Wisdom Counsel & Craniosacral Therapy Benefit You.
How Can Wisdom Counsel & Craniosacral Therapy Benefit You.
Wisdom Council & Readings:
Clarify life intentions.
Gain support to take action.
Settle, feel safe, and be yourself.
Learn about who you are: what is your energy and who’s energy you are absorbing.
Life direction.
Navigate transitions and change with resilience.
Uncover your spiritual appetite and fulfillment.
Discover your life purpose imprint.
Understand your body’s signals; resolve health issues.
Clarify and heal family dynamics.
Heal ancestral lines through family and non-blood lineages.
Equanimity, “Upekkha”: The Sovereign Seat
I am the owner of my actions.
My happiness and sorrow depend on my actions,
Not on my wishes for you.
I am the owner of my actions.
My happiness and sorrow depend on my actions,
Not on your wishes for me.
Morning Practice
I learned this Equanimity Prayer almost three decades ago when I spent two years of my dharma practice embodying what is called the Four Heavenly Abodes, or “Brahma-viharas” in Buddhism. Here I share some of it with you, that it may support your awakening and health.