It’s All About That Heart. Cardiovascular Biodynamics.

Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy for Healthy Circulation & Heart.

Music for inspiration while reading this, or making art of your own:
A Message To Myself, by Roo Panes.

Essential Oils for balancing Heart (Fire element) & Spirit (Ether element): Bergamot, Frankincense or Silver Fir

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The vascular tree & heart are associated with the Tree Of Life, (see below). Follow along with the photos while you read about the ten aspects of the cardiovascular system mentioned at the end of this entry. All of these are addressed in a Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy session with me.

If you’re looking for solutions to your metabolic health, look no further. “BCVT”, or Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy is at the literal heart - pun intended - of healing the autonomic nervous system, the heart and its vascular circulation, and overall inflammation - which by the way is at the root of all metabolic disturbance, which leads to upset and disease.

Inflammation, in Eastern traditional medicine, is associated with the Fire element being out of balance with the other four elements of the body - Earth, Air, Water, Ether. Fire element in Polarity Therapy is associated with the heart and circulation.

Inflammation itself infers a bodily “wildfire”, the damage of which most Californians are familiar with. Imagine what’s going on inside your body with a wildfire going. Like all fires it can take over and destroy the landscape. One Earth one body.

Raging internal fire means that the threat of inflammation must be brought under control over time and harmonized with the other four elements so that nervous system and metabolism disturbances can be relieved or restored.

A Biodynamic Cardiovascular Therapy (BCVT) treatment with me we will calm the wildfire storm.

A BCVT session with me will also settle your deepest core nervous system, help with things like the trauma response, along with fear, worry, cognition, sleep, clarity, to name a few. It will also harmonize the Fire element with the other four elements.

From my thousands of hours working with people it is also my observation that Ether, the element of Spirit, is disturbed when Fire is out of control. I have noticed that when there is guidance for embodying one’s spiritual connection - our direct circuit to “god” or Source energy - then Ether is strengthened and Fire subsides. Then the nervous system calms down and inflammation subsides. Intricately trained Craniosacral Practitioners can feel this with our hands and palpation.

How do you connect with Spirit in your life?

Balance your inner Fire and Ether, and change your perspective and metabolism. There’s a lot to be said for being the peace we want in the world: We become healthier!

Reach out to me for a solo or group treatment.

BCVT will help settle and calm you, and help you feel safe. It will also balance the five elements.

In the meantime, I hope this journal piece opens your appreciation of your inner Tree of Life and the harmony it will bring to you if tended with the wise principles of nature.

Blessings. So be it.

Ten aspects of the Tree of Life and its circulation as they overlap with our human heart & circulatory system.

  • The whole tree: Circulatory System.

  • Core of tree: Heart and Coronary Arteries.

  • Trunk of tree: Aorta, abdominal aorta, portal (liver) vein.

  • Main branches of Tree: Subclavian Artery, veins to arms, breasts, and lung muscles.

  • Treetop: the Brain and all its circulatory structures.

  • Leaves: Capillaries: contain most of the blood in the body.

  • Shallow Roots: Arteries and Veins just above the legs, also includes pelvis.

  • Deep Roots: All Arteries and Veins down legs and to tips of toes.

  • Sap of Tree: Human Blood.

  • Inner Bark (Endothelium*) of Tree: the Connective tissue of Arteries, Capillaries, Veins.

*Practitioners orient to palpating the Endothelium in the human body. Some can feel it in trees, rocks, and soil too. ;)

Source material from Michael Shea’s intro BCVT professional training.


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