We uncover your deepest sense of you, together…
one breath, one step at a time.
Hi, I’m Soma.
Empath. Deep Listener. Steady Guide.
I’m glad you’re here.
I ask how you are, and what do you want.
And then we listen…
From your Body’s Wisdom and your essential core we uncover together who you are from the deepest roots, not from who you’ve been told to be. Your authentic self is seen and honored. Helping you find your way there, is what I live for. I am your beacon on the other shore. Your inner knower will guide you, of that I have no doubt.
I haven’t taken the path in life that is insisted upon in our now crumbling culture. Not out of rebelliousness, but out of a deeply-rooted knowing, a resonance, that I came into this world with. Love. Freedom. Betterment. Awakening to who we are and to the beauty in this life. Our work together moves one out of false imprints, trauma, and overlays. It takes time, patience. Sometimes there’s stumbling and experimenting to learn how to honor our authenticity and practice living, embodying there. I sometimes call this stumbling into ecstasy. You know it to be true also. Courageousness.
We take it as far as you want, or until there is nothing less than joy and alignment with yourself. Our time together allows you to embody your life from your deepest sense of you, so you can live the way that feels connected and whole for you. Freedom. Goodness. I help you get there.
I know firsthand the overwhelm that comes with big transitions: Loss, grief, confusion, health crises, or, the challenges of simply making your way in life.
I also know how hard it can be to find the right support from a healer and guide, the kind that invites love for self and awareness of one’s inner light that is connected to all. Unity.
I help you to create long-lasting healing and change within your authentic self. We deconstruct barriers that insist on what you’re supposed to be and uncover who you really are. I help you land home, easefully, gracefully… And with love.