Posture, Pelvis, Anti-Inflammatory, & The Whole Woman
Simple basics for the whole woman include the following. See my list below! Some may surprise you as contrary to what we’ve all been taught about women’s health. The main takeaway is that women - you - do not have to suffer with female pelvic issues made worse by medications, surgeries, and endless medical appointments. There are natural methods that effectively heal and prevent your issues, empowering you to take back your pelvis and regain your resiliency.
Keep in mind that the basic posture is the most important point for promoting a healthy pelvic structure and anti-inflammatory lifestyle. It is also the mother of preventing and reversing injury, prolapse, hip dysplasia, medical procedures, unnecessary surgeries (there are many), medications, UTI, overactive bladder, and more. Don’t be convinced that these medical conditions are irreversible. They are simply a result of reversed breathing, tight abdomen and psoas, and inaccurate pelvic posture. I will show you how to strengthen your posture and alignment for proper placement of your female organs, ultimately helping you to reverse and prevent further issues.
Contact me for individual and group sessions. Regain your whole woman!
In the meantime, here are my healthy pelvis guidelines for healing, prevention, and anti-inflammatory lifestyle for the whole woman.
The Whole Woman posture for healthy lumbar curve.
Natural nose breathing to increase intra-abdominal pressure to keep pelvic organs forward and horizontal. Inhale, belly expands, exhale and belly contracts.
Leaning forward when toileting (drops organs to lower abdomen).
Repetitive motion (computer work, carrying, lifting): keep arms as close to body as possible.
Eliminating/avoiding all processed foods, white sugar, white flour, and trans-fats.
Whole foods, not too much, mostly plants, breathe!
Add fermented foods to your daily diet. These are nature’s probiotics: sourdough bread, sauerkraut, kimchi, water kefir, pickles, miso.
Whole Woman exercises for posture and alignment strengthening.
Fire breathing.
Stay hydrated with high quality filtered water, herbal teas, high-quality electrolytes, minerals.
Detoxify: IR saunas (sweat), seaweed/salt baths, lymphatic drainage, dry skin brushing, lymphatic facials, gentle exercise and stretching, tree/forest bathing.
Place your feet on the Earth regularly!
Protect yourself from electromagnetic frequencies, or emfs.
Turn off digital devices an hour before sleep.
In the Menopausal years vaginal shedding halts. The vaginal shed material feeds the good bacteria that keeps us so healthy and juicy down there. Therefore natural supplementation is even more important to prevent vaginal and bladder infections: ferments such as kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, rejuvelac, even honey help to keep a woman’s pelvic micro environment healthy and happy. Complex carbs such as cereals, fruit, and milk also feed our natural vaginal environment, preventing and even reversing disease.
Optional tip: Vaginal honey can be of help in both reproductive & menopausal years to prevent and reverse infection! In fact, a small dab on your vulva or in the vagina may prevent chemical or antibiotic medications in the first place.
The following lists several herbs that provide anti-inflammatory support in general, as well as to a woman’s female parts so they can stay happy and healthy. Consult your physician or nutritionist for sound advice on their uses, especially pregnant women and if you are taking medications.
Anti-inflammatory Herbs For Whole Woman health:
Fresh Skullcap
Yucca Root
Wild Lettuce Leaf
Valerian Root
Indian Frankincense (oleo-gum-resin)
Ginger Root
Grape Seed Extract
Fresh Marshmallow Root
Burdock Root
Soma Aloia is a Certified Whole Woman Pelvic Health Practitioner and Instructor of the lifestyle and exercise program that reverses and prevents prolapse, chronic UTI, hip dysplasia and other issues, spinal imbalances, overactive bladder, and other female issues. All naturally and without drugs or surgery! Contact her for a consultation or session. Packages available at a discount.