Soma Aloia • Love | Create | Thrive

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The Belly Speaks…

Just curious...

Are you tired sometimes, like me, of hearing about the Microbiome? I see it everywhere from my professional platforms to blogs, to doctor colleagues, even yoga studios are posting about it. While it's one of my favorite things to write and talk about, let's take a break and get into the somatosensory aspects of the gut. In other words, the emotional aspect, something I do not see addressed very much. Our gut afterall is charged with deep vulnerability from a lifetime of experience. I personally love it when my own practitioners and I give attention to my abdomen, my sacred door to my heart and soul.

The gut is our foundation for the "house" that is the rest of the body. It’s the Earth on which the rest of our body balances and treads. How much attention do you give the emotional aspects coming from your digestive system and your belly? Let’s have a look together? It’s a huge part of my self-helpcare dharma.

The gut is a vulnerable place that holds quite a bit of information, some inertial, or frozen. Trauma, shock, or abuse, often live in the body here, set in our implicit memory, or the subconscious. Implicit memory affects the chemistry of the small and large intestines without us knowing it. It affects how we think, our mood, our sleep, how we digest thoughts and emotions, and assimilate and eliminate their waste. In other words, trauma frozen in place can greatly affect our behavior, how we do things, perceive things, and meet ourselves and others. Behavior and lifestyle are impacted by the stress patterns and “waste products” that the body is holding onto. There is a way through, however “messy” it may seem. Together our 1:1 sessions help to change these stress patterns so they can be easily processed, un-managed, and eliminated.

And believe me, I’ve tried!… No amount of supplements, diets, or detoxing will resolve stored inertial trauma in the belly without addressing the emotions that lie there. Sure, supplements can help (sometimes), but they're no substitute for doing the inner work necessary to dissolve, digest, and integrate what happened in the past. The body holds the score.

So to offer a way to growth and repair, here is my treat for you this month…
Key prompts that I use in my 1:1 craniosacral treatments, mentoring, and yoga sessions. If you feel a resonance for deeper solo work with me, reach out and tell me what you’d like to elevate in your life.

The style for online sessions includes shadow work and mindful relaxation with hypnosis-style dialogue. If we're in-person, I use visceral biodynamic hands-on treatment with my Craniosacral and Qigong work. And always but always I use the oils for you! Grandmothers of the plants guide me to your medicine of the moment.

I look forward to walking with you, and grateful for including me on your team.

In the meantime here are guides for your current exploration…
Prompt invitations to write, dance/move, paint and discover. Take as few or as many suggestions as you like to inspire your dharma practice:

  • I know my body as…..

  • My body whispers of quiet longings. They are….

  • I feel the cells of my deep sister belly telling me….

  • My belly soul truth moves me in the direction of….

  • If my precious belly had just one gift to share with me it would be….

  • In the quiet stillness of the moonlit night I feel the womblike movements of my deepest desires whisper…

Abdominal & biome work, whether it's physical or emotional, is a powerful way to move through stuck energy including relationships, obsessive thoughts and behavior, deeply-embedded trauma, depression, and anxiety. Let me tell you!…I've been there. It takes caring and willingness to expand and grow but I know you've got this sweetheart. If I can move through it so can you.

I am here to witness your best.
Thank you for walking with me.
Schedule with us here.

love, Soma