Soma Aloia • Love | Create | Thrive

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Libra, Air, and the Descent of the Light

This month we are fully fledged in the dying tide that signifies Autumn. Can you feeeeeel the chill in the air? Do you witness the dying after the rich harvest that is your life and yours alone? What is ending in you so that new can arise? Over this next month, the “reconciliation of the Opposites and Initiations of Relationship” as dear friend and sister Kathleen Prophet shares, are with us.

As the sun descends in its 3-month journey toward the womb of the Mother, to be fertilized again at Winter’s Solstice, we are engulfed this month by the waxing full Blood Moon and by the Air element that is Libra. Air: lung/heart, grief, inspire-ation, exhale-elimination. What are your initiations of relationship this month? Is grief stuck in you or is it flowing freely, unencumbered?

Libra is all things love and balance, and she seeks to equalize the binaries. Light and dark, birth-death, right-wrong, sane-insane, work-rest. As the dying light influences our nervous system, anxieties, depression, and worries may creep in. It is important to remember that this is simply Nature at work. Take extra care with your nervous system! I suggest turning toward the binaries, opening and softening your flesh everywhere, rather than living rigidly in the “this-or-that”. Try this:

Imagine floating on the surface of water. Just sit with whatever is present. Can you love yourself unconditionally while the energies of Libra ignite you to dissolve the struggles of the binary in your life? Attention on Breath. There is MAGICK in chaos. In the name of this Blood Full Moon I promise you.

Here are some of my favorite things to help ground me during this Dying of the Light:

  • I am running these days in the early morning light, feeling my bones and flesh bounce on the dirt arroyos near my home.

  • I stop everything at 3-4 pm to take a pause from work, sit on my yoga mat with my special green tea, and read a passage from Seeds for a Boundless Life by Zenkei Blanche Hartman.

  • Hot turmeric-mushroom tea with coconut and a splash of local honey. I breathe rhythmically with the hot cup in my hand as I sit on my zafu. I love the warmth in my hands.

  • I light incense in the mornings after rising.

  • I massage my belly with my favorite ayurvedic oil before bed at night. I imagine my blood, organs, and pelvic bone absorbing love and gratitude.

Consider Sue Hunt’s Transitory Nature; breaking binaries for integrated being. This is truly an embodied practice, not just more head stuff.

In this season of the Dying Light, what nurtures you?
Here are writing & envisioning prompts below for you to nurture your meaningful destiny this month. Stay in your body! We need you.

Consider a holistic contemplative counseling session with me. While your “story” is important we always include embodiment rituals to help you know what it’s like to encounter long-lasting change.

Holy Embodied Flesh-Tending Prompts for the coming Blood Moon. Let your cells come up to speak:

  • Standing, slowly circling my hips with eyes gently closed or gazing downward, I feel the rhythm of… (journal your stream of consciousness here) and see myself… (and here)…

  • I feel into my belly, face down on Mother Earth, as I move and slither slowly like a snake. The taste on my tongue is…
    (feel free to literally lay down on the Earth! A yoga mat or blanket is highly recommended)

  • As I breathe into the night sky holding this Libra Air Blood Moon, I slowly and fully fill my lungs with the Mystery which says when it whispers to me….

May this Full Blood Moon find you slowing down, looking within with fierce compassion, and may the grace of your heart guide your way home. Schedule with me, I’d love to work with you.

Blessed be. And so it is! xo

Tempted by how a holistic contemplative counseling session can help in these strange heathen times? Text or call me, or book here.
(805) 284-7948.