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Gut Wisdom & Well-Being

We’ve likely heard about the importance of gut health in the news these past few years - the “microbiome” - and most of us know all too well how uncomfortable it can be to live with pain, indigestion, irregularity, and other anomalies of the belly and abdomen. Whether it’s pain, persistent heartburn, GERD, constipation, depression, insomnia, poor nutrient absorption, unrelenting fatigue, or skin issues, we can all attest to the fact that belly problems are just plain no fun. And we usually don’t think of mental health conditions as related to a poor gut environment, but sadly this is pervasively true. As a holistic mental health professional I see how frequently behavior and mental wellness improve when the diet and gut health improve.

So what happens when gut and belly symptoms linger for weeks, months, even years? And what happens when, worse yet, those persisting symptoms send your body into a tailspin, causing serious, even life-threatening side effects and susceptibility to poor mental health and even deadly infectious diseases? 

This is the scary and unfortunate reality for millions of Americans and a growing number of young people as a result of many poor environmental habits namely, chemical input, EMF radiation exposure, microorganisms, poor mental attitude or unresolved trauma/stress, and a processed food diet which can no longer be managed by the immune system. In other words, our outer environmental behaviors and attitudes affects our inner environment, or microbiome.

To keep a healthy inner environment we must seriously consider, and follow through on, the greater aim of living healthy. This is where the gut environment begins. How can we accomplish what we’d like, enjoy our children and grandchildren, serve our society, if we don’t feel well? How can we enjoy? Feeling well begins with cleaning out and rearranging our inner terrain, the gut, and replacing it with a healthier terrain - the one we were born with and were wired to originally have so that it’s environment can keep us safe, strong, and vital. After all, this is what our actual home structure provides for us, right? Why not include our inner structure in providing that too? Without one, we cannot entertain the other. Who wouldn’t want to feel safe, strong, and well in their outer and inner homes?

So let’s get our houses in order! Let’s get going...

The Inner Tailspin.

What exactly throws our inner gut home into a tailspin? Many things that are out of our own control contribute to this, such as environmental EMF radiation and chemical exposure, but there are many things in our control that can give us the power to effectively do something about it.

Things like the lifestyle you choose - the foods you put into your mouth, the amount of exercise you let into your life, the people you hang around, the thoughts, news, and behaviors you might be entertaining. I know, I know... you might not like hearing any of this, but then again, what are the consequences? Feeling like junk, not sleeping, chronic fatigue, pain, indigestion, and the like? And god forbid, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic disease? I know because I’ve been there and learned the hard way, and had to do a lot of work to unravel the injury. Compared to feeling good (no it’s not a myth or pastime) I have been on both sides of this: chronic illness as well as feeling strong, happy, and vital - and I prefer the latter! I prefer to en-Joy! Won’t you join me in making our Earth a more enjoyable place to be?

We may have a lot working against us, but there’s a lot we can do in our favor to counter the environmental insults and bad news blues news that are so prevalent today. Today we have access to so much natural medicine science and a practical knowledge-base to effectively reverse the damage our environment is putting us at risk for, and prevent us from going there in the first place. Simplifying and living more naturally is the encouragement that creates a healthy gut microbiome.

My Gut Restoration Program reverses and restores your inner home “soil”, the terrain that makes up your gut nervous system (or Enteric Nervous System for you science geeks out there). Your gut nervous system is actually the “master” nervous system of the physical body (we will go into what rules the energetic body in another article). The way to take care of it involves the five R’s: Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Restore, Rejuvenate. Read on for the program…

Your Gut Restoration Resource.

This program provides lifestyle practices as well as food for the gut. Mindfulness practices, psychospiritual counseling, and exercise are the focus of the insight I provide, as well as probiotic lifestyle formularies from Omni-Biotic Labs. My services will help you navigate and heal the stressors on your body. The aim of the gut restore program is to remove, or detoxify, unwanted and insulting pathogens in the body, including your mental hygiene, and help you understand the psychological or physical stressors to your system. And… my formularies from Omni-Biotic labs make up the only effective probiotic navigation system I have found in my career that have effectively resolved chronic conditions, my own included.

If you’ve experienced long term belly and gut issues that I’ve reviewed here and are concerned that you’re struggling from residual effects of an unhealthy gut terrain, I cannot overemphasize enough the importance of partnering with a holistic and integrative practitioner or doctor. While the conventional approach to medicine has its place, it just doesn’t deal with the proactive knowledge we have for effectively resolving problems with the gut system, only simply for treating them, like medications, tests, and surgeries.

The functional nutrition approach will effectively find and address the underlying root causes of your belly, gut, and chronic health issues “upstream”, before the “downstream” symptoms start, which is what conventional medicine fixes with drugs and surgeries, while the root cause still remains. Partnering with a functional medicine practitioner will enable the healing process to begin with a much “lighter tread” on the body for the long haul, allowing its natural abilities to be included in the healing process. If you’d like to know how to find a good functional, holistic, and integrative practitioner please reach out or email me. 

And now I’d love to hear from you! What steps are you taking to enable a healthy gut for you and your family? Have you been struggling with any of the symptoms I talked about here and wondering why you can’t get relief and resolve from anything you’ve tried? Were you surprised that it’s gut health that is responsible for your mood, immune, and mental health? Reach out to me. I’d love to speak with you.

Be Well & Enjoy The Journey, Wherever the Road May Find You.