Ancestral Healing: A Path of Earth & Myth for Personal Healing. Part Two: The Four Gates Of Healing.
“When we help those in our lineage who are not yet at peace to assume their place as wise and kind ancestors, we in turn, receive the benefit down-lineage from a more healed matrix of ancestral influence.” ~ Dr. Daniel Foor, PhD.
Returning To Grace… Reconnecting our relationship to ancestors and self…
What if you didn’t have to heal alone? What if other-than-physical energies, the unseen, could help to carry and transform you? How are you aware of the unseen in your life? How does it inform you? Solace? Fear? Protection? Ascension?
Healing, inner safety, secure attachments, cultural and social healing emerge when we call in our lineage of helpers. These include past blood ancestors, spiritual lineage, and elementals (nature spirits), and are all here ready and waiting at our beckoning to help deepen or healing and ascension (expansion into the awakened self). Healing happens in relationship, and the unseen world is here to help, more capable than any of us in an Earthly body.
How do you work with them?
This is a big question, so I hold it gently and tenderly…
My personal “entry” into nature healing and ritual many decades ago was anything but organized and included little to no support. I was simply reading from books, gaining in knowledge but not much living the concepts, just intellectualization. I needed help. I needed to embody the concepts to be the living principle. I wished for this desperately, observing how book-sense got me nowhere meaningful in my life, only more ill. And definitely of no help to anyone, at least in the direction I valued going… one of peace and camaraderie with humans and nature.
Since then I’ve learned and matured in my practices, absorbing embodied experience from many brilliant mentors who have helped to shape my practical experience along my path. I pass this on in the form of supporting those who ask for my guidance.
How can Ancestral healing benefit us?
Ruptures in ancestral lines over time show up as chaotic disruptions through the generations (recognize any chaos in our world right now?). Piecing things back together for healing ourselves and our communities into more wholeness and integrative cohesiveness is anything but a linear process. It takes time. It takes slowing down and creating safety in one’s inner world. It takes a courageous wish for peace and helping make this happen. Keep this in mind when and if you embark on an ancestral medicine path. And I hope you do… if you want peace in the world you must go within and have a look around in your inner landscape. Do you really know what deeper currents are running you? You are role-programmed more than you’d realize. We all have been, and yet the world is awakening now to alternatives. When you work with me, I will remind you that you really do have choices. And you can be content within.
Here are four basic “gates”, as I call them, which are interpreted from teacher Daniel Foor’s work to support you on your healing journey. Please do not take these as doctrines or dogma. They are not the be-all-end-all authority on repairing your family lineage ruptures. They are loose starting points for you. The most important thing to know is: you will be informed organically on how to proceed as you move forward. Just as a house tells you how it wants or needs to be build because of its surroundings, so will your family mending inform you how and where to go next. Let your heart and gut be your guides. Don’t think too hard.
Reach out to me for individual sessions and readings addressing your healing with the ancestors. In the meantime, use these gateways as you rebuild your inner and outer family:
Gateway 1:
Find a way to widen your perspective into a realm that extends beyond just human. Anchor your core values into these.
Include things such as all ethnicities including indigenous cultures, all spiritual lineages, all of nature and her sentient beings including the elements (earth, fire, water, ether, air), eco-dharma, earth-based rituals, paganism, shamanism, multi-genders, etc.
Gateway 2:
Ancestral work, exploration, healing, stories. Gathering information. An individual and group process.
Gateway 3:
Ritual practices for and with the non-living human ancestors; with “other than humans”: Earth elements such as wind, rocks, trees, clouds, water, etc; with our indigenous ancestors (all of our ancestors were indigenous at some point); with our EarthBody itself (our human body is by no means separate from the Earth planet as our over-culture would have us believe).
Gateway 4:
Natural arising and progression from the previous gateways: Clarification of your purpose, meaning, and our destiny or our “instructions for this lifetime” (Dr. Foor). Clarity about how to focus and cultivate this destiny is ignited in this gateway.
This support and more are here for you in our individual sessions or readings together. I am here for your relevant needs. Reach out for an individual or group session.
Soma Aloia, ORDM, MS is an inner tracker, gifted intuitive, coach, and educator. She supports you to reveal how ancient wisdom from your inner voice, through the guidance of the ancestors and nature, can teach you to recognize the vital essentials for creating a meaningful and fulfilling life. Soma calls this “re-wilding” oneself and helps you to: recognize and navigate your inner terrain, to feel safe within oneself and not worry about the destination, and to stay aware and alert. She works with children, babies, and adults.
Happy inner tracking. xo