Soma Aloia • Love | Create | Thrive

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Dance Medicine Journey & Workshop.

The Dance Journey brings us a chance to thaw and unwind our physical connection to our inner self. It uncovers natural intuitive movement and the chance to perceive the connection between ourselves and Spirit. Surrendering to ourselves and the Earth. Our bodies, our Earth.

Old habits, patterns, rituals that no longer serve us, begin to fall away. Physical and mental rigidity start to dissolve. A freshness of spirit surfaces, surrounded by joy, awakening energy, love and peaceful contentedness. As Gabrielle Roth reminds us, sweat your prayers.

Dialogue and story are important but for long-lasting change to occur in our lives the body must be engaged so it’s story can be told. With a Dance Medicine Journey patterns and habits have the chance to express themselves and be seen in a supportive, caring environment. Improvisational and intuitive movement with mindfulness thaw and unwind patterns that habitually override our authentic self.

If you would like to explore a movement journey with me join me in a Dance Medicine workshop or for an individual session. Contact me for more information.

Unleash your unabashed authentic self. Dance your medicine. You are your healing.

The Way of the Beauty Walk and Heart Dance {c}: A Dance Medicine Journey and Workshop.

The Way Of The Beauty Walk And Heart Dance (c) is an individual journey or workshop based on the work of Nadia Natali, the developer of Dance Medicine ( The Dance Medicine process is a dive into personal discovery and healing. Through a one-on-one narrative (dialogue) and an intuitive movement dance process in a small group or individual session, I support and facilitate each person to journey in a safe atmosphere of mutual support. The Dance Medicine process is about authentic and meaningful expression of movement in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Soma Aloia is a certified Dance Medicine Therapist and Facilitator, as well as Certified Source Painting Facilitator. Often dance and painting cross paths, and classes are offered accordingly. Stay tuned.