Soma Aloia • Love | Create | Thrive

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Craniosacral Who??

I am often asked what Craniosacral Therapy is.

My work is centered on helping people feel good about themselves, and to make healthy life choices; educating them about simple, effective, tested, and safe resources they have available to them for mental, emotional, and physical support.

It’s not easy being human in this Earth school, but we all have the ability to navigate ways to be here in a peaceful and accepting manner, piloting our way with resilience through adversity of all types. I truly know this from experience and my own school of major hard knocks. I am here to help, having turned my own adversity into a way to learn and be of service to you. Craniosacral Therapy helps us build resilience and turn adversity into more favorable conditions. Doesn’t that seem a better way to go than fighting what is?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is an amazing manual medicine that potentizes presence and the body’s natural ability to balance and repair. It balanced and healed my PTSD after a brain injury, childhood trauma and abuse, and continues to be an immense resource through recovery from life threatening mold toxicity and cancer. It has helped me reclaim my life, to be whole, even in the face of some harrowing challenges, and to be the open-minded adventurer and growth warrior I was born to be.

Working with gentle touch and deep listening presence, my CST treatments address the whole person at the level of the central nervous system, including the brain and immune systems, and uses a body-based dialogue from various psychological and somatic traditions to facilitate movement and healing for resolution of many injuries, both physical and psychological. It helps people to live more peacefully and in acceptance of their authentic self, and they often live more freely in an embodied way. Bonding and attachment behaviors improve for children as well as adults.

Insight is one thing, but living your peace is entirely different. Wouldn’t anyone prefer to live, than to manage thoughts and insight? I sure would.

Please join me in this. My remote sessions are just as powerful as an in-person treatment, and I create a sacred space so you can settle, feel safe, and be yourself. Help us add to the world’s peace, one person at a time.

You are loved.